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As business owner’s, we know the havoc that the unexpected can wreak on a business.

From flooding to fires, to theft and car collisions, your business relies on things running smoothly, and when the unexpected does happen, having the right coverage can make the difference.

As one of Denver’s top independent insurance agencies, we work with businesses of all sizes and help them ensure that they have the coverage they need when they need it most.

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Liability insurance

This can include liability insurance for malpractice, errors and omissions and can protect business owners against liability issues that may arise from business operations or the use of fleet vehicles.

Workers Compensation Insurance

This casualty insurance is used to help business owners provide compensation to injured employees. Injuries must be from a work-related incident to qualify, and coverage may include help with medical and rehabilitation costs and wage replacement.

Theft Insurance

This type of casualty insurance is put in place to help protect business owners against acts of theft and vandalism. This coverage also includes protection against employee theft.

Credit Insurance

Credit insurance can protect a business against loss from the bankruptcy, death or disability of a partner or other type of business associate that has direct impact on your business.

Casualty insurance is a catch-all term for a group of insurance coverages that protect against loss of property, damages or other liabilities.

It is not directly concerned with life, health and disability insurance, but with offering liability coverage in cases of negligent acts or omissions. While casualty insurance is a term that can be used for some personal insurance products, it is mainly used in reference to commercial insurance areas.

Our Denver-area agents can help businesses pick and choose from a wide range of policies that include coverages such as: liability insurance, commercial vehicle insurance, Worker’s Compensation Insurance, theft insurance and credit Insurance. Credit insurance, for example, can protect a business against loss from the bankruptcy, death or disability of a partner or other type of business associate that has direct impact on your business. As a full service independent insurance agency, we can build the right casualty insurance portfolio for any business’ needs. Whether large or small, all businesses can benefit by having casualty insurance that is right for them.

We recommend that no business go without business liability insurance. There are many different forms of casualty insurance, from general liability to liquor liability to product liability, professional liability, and more. While some are required by law, business liability insurance insures against injury or damage caused by the activities of the business.

In cases of a lawsuit, casualty insurance will protect both the business owner and the business itself, as well as pay for defense costs. It ensures that a customer or client who has suffered damages will be adequately compensated, as well, protecting the client.

This can be important as many lawsuits are settled for more than most businesses can easily afford on their own. Our Denver-area agents can help you determine the right level of coverage your business may need, as either a stand alone policy or bundled together with other insurance coverages.

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The right coverage at the best price. Colorado's trusted insurance advisers since 1997

About Us

We are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality in business and personal insurance products and services at the most competitive prices in Denver, CO.

3705 Kipling Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
303 420-4774